JAZZVIEWS: "they pack a powerful but beautifully controlled punch"
"Together they pack a powerful but beautifully controlled punch."
JAZZVIEWS: "they pack a powerful but beautifully controlled punch"
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ in THE SCOTSMAN
⭐⭐⭐⭐ in JAZZWISE
'Friends' Launch Review
UK JAZZ NEWS: Smokin’ Hot Big Band. New album ‘Strictly Smokin’ and Friends’
JAZZ VIEWS: Michael Lamb Take Five Q&A
JAZZWISE: "Reinventing the big band with visuals, interactivity and crowdfunding"
Bebop Spoken Here | Album review: Strictly Smokin' Big Band - Strictly Smokin' & Friends (Jazz Sound Records JSR 0019)